Monday, March 29, 2010

come and go

time passing by
crying and laughing
open the books then close them
sleeping and wake up
eating and drinking
talking and singing
back to study again
yes,masa sedang berlalu
not more than a week,
ilmu bakal dicurahkan dalam kertas
dari kertas kosong menjadi tulisan
sebagai saksi usaha selama 10 bulan
semoga dipermudahkan DIA..
and yes,masa memang sedang berlalu
not more than 2 weeks,i'll leave this town
not for a whilebut for forever
wont come here anymore
wont repeat the same memories anymore
wont see those who paint black dots and colourful dots to my rainbow anymore
i know im gonna miss all these much
its ok,sweet memories will never fade
nanti ada rezeki jumpa lagi
walau bukan dalam suasana ini lagi
tapi insyaAllah,saya tetap saya
harapnya kamu semua masih kamu yang baik hati
thanx to you,for teaching me all that
thanx to lecturers, i owe all of you big times
insyaAllah,kejayaan dari sy untuk cikgu semua
saya sayang cikgu!
thanx to mak cik pak cik kafe
thanx to librarians
thanx to semua warga KMP
"today's beautiful moments are tomorrow's beautiful memories"
selamat menempuh PSPM 2 to all students matrik..
doakan kejayaan kami..
thanks,thanks,thanks....i love you no matter what you've done..
enough said,may ALLAH bless us =)


hana eriniey said...

huhuhu..insyAllah...we all have done done da best....

Nur Amira said...

insyaAllah...mis them oredi...
d people,d situation,d love~