Friday, October 29, 2010

dreams and fight

"If I fail,I will try again,again and again.But if you fail,will you try again?"
-Nick Vujivic.

Nick Vujivic, he has no legs either hands. he failed more than 100 times. but he said, if he give up he wont be able to get up again. without hands and legs, it might impossible for us with both hand and legs to think that he will manage to get up. but, the attitude in him has prove impossible is nothing. i adore the spirit he has. once we will say "nothing is impossible".but today, yes "impossible is nothing". the motivator, Ayah Chik said two most important thing Nick has is the attitude and how he is grateful what he HAS,not the bitter he got.

Dengan nama Allah yang Maha Pemurah lagi Maha Penyayang
"dan janganlah kamu memalingkan wajah dari manusia (kerana sombong) dan janganlah berjalan di muka bumi dengan angkuh. Sungguh, Allah tidak menyukai orang yang sombong dan membanggakan diri"
(Surah Luqman ayat 18)

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