Friday, December 16, 2011

bona fide.good faith.suci hati

Assalamualaikum wbt
selawat dan salam buat insan teragung,kekasih Allah SWT serta seluruh pejuang di jalan Allah

Subhanallah.almost a month didnt come here.
R.I.N.D.U. dekat blog.
banyak benda penting yang nak update,kongsi kat blog.
just thought of sharing.insyaAllah in next entry.

a beautiful Friday evening.and its raining outside.
the view is like always.nice.really.
a gift from Allah while the feeling inside is currently not stable.

the past weeks had gone.
leaving much memories behind.
i met many kind of things.many kind of people.
send by The Greatest.
just to a grown up girl should be.
to get HIS find the True Love.

scars and sweet pain left.
just need time to heals.
they will day they will.maybe not now.but HE will cure.
just keep the husnu zhon.
people wont do mistakes if they know they're wrong.
they did that maybe because they dont know.
and just keep believing dear brothers and sisters.
HE has the syifa' we need. doubt.

i got this one last morning.
from a of the panel said :
"jaga aurat pada hati"
my everdearest you,
"jaga aurat pada hati"
try to repeat it in your heart and head.
try to give a long thought.

a part of hadis narrated by Al-Bukhari & Muslim,

sabda Rasulullah SAW,
"ingatlah bahawa di dalam jasad itu terdapat seketul daging,apabila ia baik maka baiklah seluruh jasadnya.dan apabila ia rosak,maka rosaklah seluruh jasadnya.ingatlah bahawa seketul daging itu adalah hati,"

maka,apa-apa saja.jaga hati.
apa saja terjadi.lindungi hati.
jangan ada sakit dalam hati.
apatah lagi kerana dunia atau manusia.
teruskan berprasangka baik kalau kita sendiri mahu orang bersangka baik dengan kita.

bila hati terasa parah.cari biusnya.
bila terasa hati rosak kerana virus bertebaran.install antivirusnya.
bila hati terasa luka.sapu hati-hati penyembuhnya.
Al-Quran.sunnah Rasulullah SAW.
yang penting,semat penuh-penuh dalam hati bahawa Dia ada.
Allah tahu.Allah tahu apa yang diri sedang lalui.
kerana semuanya berhulu dan berhilir pada Dia.

"dan rahsiakanlah perkataanmu atau nyatakanlah.sungguh,Dia Maha Mengetahui segala isi hati,"

(Al-Mulk ayat 13)

p/s: again,million thanks to you who are coming.may you get something.just remember,the nice saying come from Him.while the bad one,they're from me.may Allah bless.

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